• Lists, Dictionary, Tuple (Continued..)

    #----------- Tuple # Tuple is a read-only List. Its Immutable, you cant add, remove or change any itme in the list my_server_tuple = ("vm00001234", "vm00002534", "vm00004567", "vm00006969") print(my_server_tuple) #----------- Dictionary # Dictionary is a comma seperated list of key value pairs. # Dictionary data is not indexed hence you have to access an iten with its reference key or value my_vm_config = {"hostname": "vm00002314", "mgmt_ip": "", "domain": "vikiscripts.github.io" } print(my_vm_config) print(my_vm_config["mgmt_ip"]) my_vm_config = { "hostname" : "vm00002314", "pvt_ip" : "", "domain": "vikiscripts.github.io", "network_config": { "mgmt_ip": "", "vnet": "vnet1", "nic" : 2 } } print(my_vm_config["network_config"]["vnet"]) Ask Vikas
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