• Using String Operations

    #------ Quotes, \n, \t string_1 = "Twinkle, Twinkle\nLittle\n" # use \n for line-break string_2 = '\tStar\nHow' # single quote works too raw_string = r"I wonder\nwhat you are?" # Notice r i.e. raw print(string_1, string_2, raw_string) string_block = '''Hello Friends, I,Vikas Pandey, Welcome you to this Python Class. I hope you are enjoying this session. wish you all the best!!''' # Triple Double quotes can also be used. try print(string_block) #----- String Functions my_string = "https://vikiscripts.github.io/pythontutorial" #slicing print(my_string[0]) #Try Changing the numbers print(my_string[0:-2]) # Try changing numbers and + and - too print(len(my_string)) print(my_string + my_string) # Concatination print(my_string * 2) # Repeatition #spliting print(my_string.split("/")) print(my_string.split(".")) Ask Vikas
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